Leadership Conference

The LifeAgain Ghana team on Tuesday, March 29, 2022 organized a leadership seminar for its beneficiaries; the teenage mothers, in the Upper West Region, Ghana. This seminar was to help shape the minds of these girls and challenge them to think outside the box.

The seminar brought together fifty (50) teenage mothers from seven (7) communities in the region. Our invited guest were successful women in their fields who came to have interactions with these girls. The seminar was divided into four (4) sessions.

Personnel from Messiah Clinic gave the girls a talk to sex education and contraceptives. They took their time to explain to the girls all they needed to know about sex and contraceptives and also answered all their questions. It should be noted that, these girls are from the rural part of the region so sex education and contraceptives are not so popular there, the reason most men capitalize on their ignorance to take advantage of them. The personnel had family planning done for girls who were interested as a way of protecting themselves from unwanted pregnancies again.

Some girls came out to share their stories and how LifeAgain came to give them hope and a future. Most of these girls revealed that, they had no hope in pursuing their dreams again since no one was ready to support them again. They expressed their gratitude to the LifeAgain team for the good works they are doing in their lives and the lives of other girls.

There was a mentor-mentee session where all the girls were put into smaller groups and a mentor assigned to them. These mentors took time to share their stories with their mentees as a way of inspiring and challenging them to move pass their present circumstances and achieve what they’ve always wanted to achieve. It was an opportunity for the mentees to also get guidelines in drawing out their life’s plan

The last session saw these girls forming groups to solve a task that was given. Each group was supposed to build a tall tower with sticks of spaghetti and a tape. It was all fun as each group brought out ideas in order to win. The aim of this task was to challenge the girls to think critically about issues and to apply it to their lives when the need arises. It was also an opportunity for the girls to learn how to work in teams and also network with the other girls.

The seminar gave these girls an exposure and challenged them not to settle for anything less with the excuse of living in the village. They can rise above and take territories outside their communities. Girls can do and be much more when given the right exposure and training.


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